Tuesday, April 30, 2013


On Thursday's show, investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe shared updates on the loud booms mystery, and discussed her personal experiences with animal mutilation cases, and life-changing light phenomena. So far, the mysterious booms have been heard all over the United States, and in just the last week she's received reports from such places as Imperial Beach (San Diego), Indianapolis, Bowling Green (KY), Wichita, Foster (RI), Fort Polk (LA), as well from Queensland, Australia where back in January a boom impact caused glass to shatter. She presented insider information from a geologist working at a major U.S. military base who contacted her by email. He told her that as far back as 1998, miners along the Yukon/Alaska border reported unusual sounds coming from inside the earth. But since 2011, many geologists have noticed an almost 1,000% increase in soil liquefaction. Somethi ng is going on in the core of the earth that may be related to a magnetic pole shift or restructuring of minerals going down to the mantle, the geologist revealed, and this could be what is causing the booming sounds.

Linda spoke about her long standing research into the animal mutilation mystery, where there is typically no blood or tracks at the site where the animal is found. Some ranchers have reported seeing animals either rise in a beam of light or come down in one, and this would explain why no tracks are ever found, she detailed. Regarding cases of "half cats"-- mutilations involving precise cuts using high heat (just as with larger animals), she pondered if the perpetrators were sending some type of message since cats are regarded so fondly by humans.

Linda shared several life-changing events that occurred to her involving unusual light phenomena. At age 21, she encountered a vivid beam of light while mountain climbing in Idaho, and saw flowers pulsing like sparklers. She heard a voice in her mind that said "you are one with the light, the light is one with you, and you are in the hands of God forever." Several years later while driving along a curving road in Colorado she witnessed a brightly glowing white cross, and heard a voice telling her to pull over, which she did. Just afterward, a car came around the bend at around 100mph, veering into her lane. She also detailed seeing strange, bright lights in the sky in Peru in 1987, during an Inca festival in the Andes. Linda announced that she'll be one of the presenters at the upcoming Citizen Hearing on Disclosure in Washington, DC-- the event will be webcast live.


Space News:

In the first half of Monday's show, space historian Robert Zimmerman discussed space-related topics in the news, such as the recent test flight of Virgin Galactic Spaceship. Virgin's craft, designed to carry paying space tourists, set a milestone, reaching a maximum altitude of 56,000 ft. It's taken them almost a decade to get to this point, he noted, and they now seem to have an engine that can deliver supersonic speeds. "They're aiming for their first passenger flight for the first quarter of next year, and I don't see any reason why that's not going to happen," he said, adding that the effort should be a profitable enterprise for Virgin Galactic. Virgin has also announced "LauncherOne," a rocket designed to deliver small satellites into orbit.

SpaceX is developing technology in which the first stage of their Falcon 9 rocket can return to the launch pad and be used again instead of being dumped in the ocean, which would help reduce costs, Zimmerman reported. While the Hubble Space Telescope is on its last legs, the newer Kepler telescope (designed to look at exoplanets) could be facing technical problems from failing gyroscopes, he revealed. He also talked about global climate and solar activity. The decrease of sunspots has been correlated with colder weather, and we may be about to enter such a cycle now, he said.

The Jinn:

In the latter half, ufologist and editor of Unicorns Magazine, Robert Stanley, argued that Middle-Eastern shadow beings called the 'jinn' may be related to terrorism and acts of violence. The legend of the jinn (genie) in a bottle dates back to King Solomon, who was said to have found a way to bind the entities, and get them to do his bidding. They were allegedly instrumental in the building of King Solomon's Temple, he said. According to Middle Eastern lore, everyone has a jinn assigned to them, and the supernatural beings can be benevolent, neutral or evil. Stanley compared the jinn to fallen angels, and noted that in Islam, "Shaitan" (like Satan) commands an army of demons or jinn who tempt humans to sin.

Historically, there are descriptions of jinn-like entities across many different cultures, and it's only in the West that they've been dismissed as fictional, he commented. Stanley characterized their mode of action as like an infection from mental parasites, such as the Archons described in the Book of Enoch, who feed on negative energy. "They're non-physical but they have a physical effect on us through the energies in our body...and they can literally manipulate us into doing things for their benefit," he remarked. More of Stanley's thoughts on this topic are posted here.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013


In the middle two hours of Monday's show, UFO and paranormal researcher Len Kasten discussed the alleged secret government exchange program with ETs from the planet Serpo. He shared the chronicle of the journey of the Serpo team based mainly on postings (gathered on serpo.org) made by "Anonymous"-- who claims to be a high-level former Defense Intelligence Agency member. "Anonymous" is considered to be the editor of "The RED BOOK"-- a comprehensive set of volumes that detail all ET contacts with Earth beginning in 1947, Kasten reported. The ETs or "Ebens," who look like smaller versions of humans but with larger skulls (a race different than the Greys), set up the exchange, in which 12 military personnel from Earth traveled to Serpo, a planet in the Zeta Reticuli system in 1965, he continued.

Though Serpo is 39 light years from our solar system (240,000 trillion miles), the Ebens have perfected wormhole and antigravity technology allowing them to make the journey in just 9 months, Kasten related. Even though the American exchange team was picked up in what was merely a "shuttlecraft," they couldn't believe the size of it-- it had 100 ft. ceilings, and their 45 tons of supplies barely made a dent in it, he remarked. Serpo is said to be about the same size as Earth and have breathable air, yet only has a population of 650,000. Among the strange wildlife on the planet was a snake-like creature with highly developed eyes that looked almost human, Kasten shared.

The Ebens used a deceased exchange member to create a new hybrid creature, and had done similar experimentation with beings they had brought back from many other worlds, he revealed. Most of the exchange team returned to Earth in 1978 (all have subsequently died), though several members stayed behind on Serpo and continued to send communications back until 1988, he said. The highly classified "Project Gleam" was developed to foster communication between Serpo and Earth, and involves a beam that's propelled at enormous speeds, he explained. According to Kasten, the Ebens continue to have a diplomatic relationship with our civilization.


Motivational speaker and author Polly Campbell talked about synchronicity, intuition, and spirituality. Campbell said she had been diagnosed with juvenile rheumatoid arthritis early in her life and turned to developing her mind/spirit as a way to deal with the physical adversity. The concept that one's thoughts actually create reality was especially fascinating, she added. Expanding on this idea, Campbell discussed what she calls the 'perfect trap,' a collective vision we share about not being good enough. "We have a real sense that we have to be different than we are to be worthy—worthy of abundance, worthy of love, worthy of the good stuff in life," she explained. People caught in this mindset spend their existence trying to become 'good enough' instead of pushing through and expanding into universal wisdom and knowledge, she remarked.

Campbell referred to synchronicity as a meaningful coincidence which is deeply personal to the individual experiencing it. "I don't think two random things colliding together, your internal and your external coming together in the form of a coincidence, is a synchronicity unless it moves you to a different place," she suggested. According to Campbell, an individual's energetic presence is impacted by receiving synchronicities and they are key in creating the next moment. She spoke about intuition as an internal awareness that sometimes manifests itself as a sensation or vision. Intuition is a personal source of information from the higher self which can be accessed at any moment when one has the open and flexible mindset of a child, she revealed. Intuition often results in synchronicity, she noted. 

Campbell acknowledged the stress that many Americans feel these days, especially in light of the recent tragic Boston Marathon bombing. "We are a country of stressed out people," she observed, pointing to the need for things to make analytical sense as the root cause. Some things simply cannot be reasoned through, she added. What then can people do to free themselves from stress and constricted states of consciousness? Campbell recommended exercising creativity to make something as well as deep belly breathing, which affects physiology and reduces the stress response. Pause long enough in the day to take two or three big breaths, she proposed. There is no right or wrong way of practicing spiritual things; what matters is the energetic exchange of these practices and one's connection to others, she instructed.


In the middle two hours, author and explorer Hugh Newman discussed his work on earth grids and megalithic sites as well as his research into Indigo Children. He put forward the concept that there is an energy grid within the Earth and that this internal structure was both known about by the ancients and used by them to create monuments such as Stonehenge.  According to Newman, in areas where these energy lines cross, orb phenomena known as "earth lights" and altered states of consciousness have been reported as well as a greater yield for crop growth.

Regarding Indigo Children, Newman marveled that there appears to be a generation of kids who possess increased intelligence and psychic abilities.  He theorized that these children are "old souls" that are reincarnating in our modern times in order to "usher in this higher level of consciousness" for the human race.  Newman also lamented that these children are often misunderstood by their parents and teachers, which results in their being diagnosed with ADD or autism and being prescribed dangerous pharmaceutical drugs.  Ultimately, since these children first began emerging in the late 1970's, Newman suggested that they could become the future leaders of our planet and use their gifts to help guide Earth into a more harmonious state.  

Citizen's Hearing:

In the first hour, activist Stephen Bassett talked about the upcoming Citizen's Hearing on Disclosure to be held at the National Press Club in Washington D.C. from April 29th to May 3rd. He noted that previous UFO press conferences failed to create "critical mass" in the media, since they were only held over a few hours.  However, this event will be held over several days, featuring top researchers and former military personnel presenting evidence to former members of Congress participating in a simulated hearing on UFOs.  Bassett expressed hope that this massive effort will result in such overwhelming evidence for the reality of UFOs that the mainstream media will be forced to investigate the phenomenon.

Sunday, April 14, 2013


On Wednesday's show, highly regarded writer on esoterica, Richard Smoley, discussed various occult traditions, including such topics as prophecy, Nostradamus, and prayer. He detailed his interest in the influential Theosophical Society, begun in 1875, which set out to study the occult, and unknown abilities in humans. A number of concepts first promulgated by the Society like karma, reincarnation, and Eastern spirituality have become widely known or accepted today, he pointed out. One of the founders of the Theosophical Society, Madame Blavatsky, was a Russian mystic who had an enormous passion for the paranormal and occult wisdom. She claimed to be in contact with certain hidden Masters, who were said to have powers far beyond normal human beings. "The more spiritually advanced someone is, the less he or she wants publicity," Smoley commented.

One reason people often feel fear of the occult is because it gives them a kind of reassurance that there is another reality beyond the physical, he suggested. Regarding the prophecies of Nostradamus, a lot of what he was saying probably had to do with his own time period-- the 16th century, rather than the centuries that followed, Smoley noted. Prophecies of doom and end times made by various seers could be a kind of "displacement" for fears regarding our own mortality, he added.

Miracles, seemingly supernatural occurrences, can play out in ways in people's lives that don't necessarily violate the laws of physics, while the power of prayer points to the mind not being confined to the physical brain, he stated. Defying the conventional models of reality, he remarked that the "mind is not quite as isolated and independent as one probably thinks." Smoley also talked about how consciousness (the capacity to relate self and other) creates the universe, as well as how the Ouija board has positive aspects-- the poet James Merrill and his partner David Jackson transcribed the epic poem "The Changing Light at Sandover" via the Ouija board.

North Korea & EMP Threats:

First hour guest, WND's Washington senior reporter, Michael Maloof, talked about North Korea and possible EMP threats. By making threats of a nuclear attack, leader Kim Jong Un may be trying to prove himself and gain more support from the North Korean army, Maloof suggested. North Korea has been angered over UN sanctions against them for nuclear testing, he added. Kim Jong Un fired a test missile back in December, which was assessed to be able to reach the West Coast. Such a missile could potentially orbit a nuclear weapon, which might then be "de-orbited upon command anywhere across the United States, and exploded at a high altitude," creating an EMP attack, he cautioned.


Past-life regressionist and hypnotherapist Dolores Cannon specializes in the recovery and cataloging of "Lost Knowledge" and metaphysical information which she acquires by taking clients into a deep trance state, without interference from the conscious mind. We exist within multiple dimensions, and move between them without our conscious awareness, she said on Thursday's show. Dimensions vibrate at different frequencies, and this is one of the ways that ETs travel-- they raise the frequency of their craft to exit (which to us looks like they are disappearing), or lower their vibration (become denser) to enter, she detailed.

Cannon believes that ETs seeded Earth and created humans, who were given free will to see how they would develop. A kind of 'prime directive' is in effect, so the aliens cannot directly intervene, and that is why they have been known as 'the Watchers' for eons, she remarked. To get around the directive, waves of people known as "volunteers," some who are aliens in human form, have been incarnating to Earth in increasing numbers since 1945 and the explosion of the atomic bomb, and are here to get humankind back on track, she reported. Some of these 'volunteers' are pure souls who are not burdened with karma, yet the first wave (now in their 40s and 50s) have struggled with the violence of the world, and feelings of alienation, she said.

Regarding alien abductions, Cannon explained that the ETs are simply monitoring their own 'volunteers,' and making sure their physical bodies can handle the stresses of Earth-- that's why the implants are there, to track them so they can help at any time. The hybrids they're creating are being taken to other planets that need DNA to adapt to various conditions, she continued. Interestingly, she declared that a hidden civilization exists underground on our planet, with entrances underneath various pyramids. The Hall of Records exists underneath the Sphinx, but it's protected by an energy field so only the right kind of person would be able to access it, she added.


On Tuesday's show, futurist and researcher Stephan Schwartz talked about developments in the study of consciousness, and how more research is pointing toward its non-locality-- that is, that part of the mind is not limited by space or time. Consciousness could be thought of as primary, the perception of our self, but are we looking at an objective reality or a kind of matrix?, he pondered. A new discipline called neuro-theology studies brain imaging of people like nuns, Sikhs, and Buddhists who are meditating or having spiritual experiences. NDE research is yielding data that suggests there's an eternal aspect of us, and "we are fundamentally beings of consciousness and the physicality we take on...is not the source but the manifestation of that consciousness," he said.

Schwartz proposed that consciousness could be viewed as a matrix of information that we're embedded in, a subset of which is space-time. By using disciplines like remote viewing or healing techniques, we can open ourselves to typically inaccessible areas outside of space-time, he commented. Many don't sense what religion calls the "still small voice"-- the non-local, interconnected part of us, which can be accessed through meditation. Studies have shown that meditation can make the brain more powerful, and lead to greater control of the physical body, and may also reduce PTSD symptoms. In an article he wrote for Explore Journal, Schwartz outlines useful meditation practices.

Discussing his research into reincarnation cases, he noted that people who died unexpectedly seemed to be more likely to come back quickly, as though they were trying to finish something they had started in their abbreviated previous life. In cases where body transplant recipients take on characteristics of their donors, Schwartz speculated that it's not just the organ that passes traits on, but certain non-local information patterns linked to it.

In Studio-- Marilu Henner:

First hour guest, actress Marilu Henner appeared in studio to talk about memory, health, and her life & career. She discussed growing up in Chicago in a house that had a dance studio in the garage, and her years on the popular sitcom Taxi. After her parents died, she became interested in health and nutrition issues, which she wrote about in her book Total Health Makeover. She is also known for her phenomenal memory in which she can recall details from every day of her life, and in her newest book she shares tips on how to enhance memory. Currently, she is appearing on NBC's Celebrity Apprentice, and has just started a new morning radio show.


Urban Folklore:

On Wednesday's show, folklore researcher Neil Arnold described various urban legends, and what, if any, truth lies behind them. It's amazing how some stories can embed themselves into local communities and then be taken as fact the world over, even though they are completely made up, he commented. The fear factor or scariness of a story can increase its popularity as it's passed around at work or schools, sometimes even leading to panic or hysteria. "We never seem to question the who's, where's, and why's, we're just more interested in the fact that it terrified us-- that's why it sticks in our mind," he remarked.

The scarier legends often concern a 'boogeyman,' and typically involve cars, or people in remote or dark locations, such as the tale of an escaped asylum patient with a hook that haunts lovers lanes. Such stories have a warning aspect, perhaps started by parents, to keep their kids from going to such places, he explained. The legend of the phantom hitchhiker is popular around the world-- a woman is seen standing by the side of the road and given a lift. She suddenly vanishes but leaves behind a purse or personal object, and when the driver goes to her address, they find out that she died some 30 years ago. There are regional variations on the story, he detailed-- in Chicago, she's called Resurrection Mary and hangs out near the cemetery where she's supposedly buried.

A legend from Blue Bell Hill, an ancient village in Kent, England involves motorists hitting a young woman who runs out on the road, but then is no longer there. This tale could relate to the 1916 murder of a girl in a pale dress on this road-- like many such legends it involves a possible ghost sighting, he said. Urban legends have also become a staple of horror films, such as in " When A Stranger Calls," where something innocent like a telephone becomes a conduit for terror. People have reported finding some very bizarre foreign objects in food, as well as creatures, like the 'Kentucky Fried Rat,' and a snake inside a tortilla wrap, he continued. Arnold also spoke about his interest in cryptozoology and the crossover between this field and urban legends.

FairTax Alternative:

First hour guest, tax change advocate Bill Spillane spoke on behalf of the 'FairTax' alternative, a national retail sales tax on new purchases that would replace the payroll tax and other taxes. The current income tax allows for Congress and the President to manipulate Americans economically and politically, and further, we end up paying for the underground economy which is $1-2 trillion a year-- because no one pays tax on that income, he pointed out. Congressional representatives aren't motivated to alter the present tax code because the most powerful lobbyists aren't in favor of change, he lamented.


In the first half of Tuesday's show, historian and UFO researcher Richard Dolan talked about the FBI's UFO document, the Hot tel memo, as well as various UFO cases and crash retrievals. The Hottel memo has been declassified since the late 1970s, and has resurfaced at various points since then, most recently, with the FBI's announcement that this document is the most popular file in The Vault, their electronic reading room, opened in 2011. The short memo, dated March 22nd, 1950 describes flying saucers 50 ft. in diameter containing 3 ft. tall humans. According to the memo, an Air Force investigator stated that three circular craft had been recovered in New Mexico, and each was occupied by three small humans dressed in metallic cloth of a very fine texture. The story was based on rumors, and reportedly the FBI didn't follow up on it. However, Dolan revealed that J. Edgar Hoover was actually quite interested in UFOs.

Early UFO investigator Frank Scully wrote about a UFO crash in Aztec, NM in 1948, and this may have been the incident that was referred to in the Hottel memo. While some have claimed the Aztec crash was a hoax, there has been strong research by people such as Scott & Suzanne Ramsey to show otherwise, Dolan noted. Interestingly, during 1950, the Air Force was running Project Twinkle to triangulate anomalous 'fireballs' that flew in surprising patterns. They triangulated an object 30 ft. in diameter flying at 150,000 ft. over New Mexico, which is much higher than any man-made craft at the time. As far as the 'alien' occupants of UFOs, Dolan pondered whether they might be artificially created organisms that are custom designed to function here on Earth.

Singularity & Tech:

In the latter half, business technology strategist, futurist and expert in the impact of technology on humans and society, Robert Harken, discussed the latest in transhumanism, colonizing space and the transition to the singularity in which computers match human intelligence and possibly compete for control of Earth. We're going to need to understand more about biotechnology, and how the human mind works in order to replicate that level of intelligence in computers/robotics, he pointed out. While computers might be able to display emotions realistically, they won't have the same framework as humans to feel them as we do, he noted.

Harken explored how we'll interact with sentient AI life forms as they evolve in the coming decades, suggesting a number of outcomes. After the technological singularity, we'll be dealing with four different types of beings-- organic human beings (how we are today), enhanced humans (genetically modified to increase intelligence and physical performance), digital humans (people's minds uploaded to a computer architecture), and artificial life forms that never existed as humans. These last two types "will have an incredible ability to evolve very rapidly," and transcend the organic humans' intelligence, he surmised. Harken also conjectured about the future of space travel, and intriguingly posited that in long distance missions, a body of a person could be cloned when the ship arrives at its destination, "so you could live your life here on Earth, send your stem cells in a cryonic state...and your digital information to replicate you at the new plan et."

Tuesday, April 2, 2013


On Monday's show, paranormal investigator Scott Roberts talked about the pervasive presence of the serpent in human history, religion, and in the alien mythos of the Reptilians. He explored the idea that non-human intelligences, such as the Annunaki described by Zecharia Sitchin, visited and possibly created and controlled humans. Though the Annunaki weren't specifically described as being serpentine in appearance, he conjectured they could be Reptilians. A mythology, which may or may not be true, has been built up around the Reptilians-- that they dominated humankind in the ancient past, and continue to do so today from behind the scenes, he outlined. There may be anecdotal or circumstantial evidence regarding their presence, but it remains impossible to prove, he continued.

Roberts discussed the religious and cultural legends of the serpent which extend all the way back to the beginnings of civilization. Curiously, the serpent is generally both feared and revered at the same time. He noted that the serpent 'Nachash' in the Bible's Garden of Eden is not referred to as Satan or Lucifer, but rather thought of as a trickster or mischief maker that brings chaos and the forbidden. Some positive depictions include the Chinese dragon which symbolized life and fertility, and in ancient Egypt, the serpent represented life and renewal, with its ability to shed its skin, and reveal a new one. Atum was the Egyptian snake-man deity, and Quetzalcotl, the feathered serpent god of the Mayans, he added.

In the Hindu texts, he noted, there were tales of Krishna, "who sat atop a coiled serpent beneath the Banyan tree and...delivered the forbidden knowledge of the gods to the humans." He also spoke about the heretical Serpent Seed Doctrine-- the idea that Satan spawned a child through Eve, and that this lineage of Lucifer continues on. Roberts, who is the one of the organizers of the Paradigm Symposium coming later this year, said he seeks to bridge the gap between the scientific and academic communities and the more fringe groups with their unconventional approaches and ideations.

Baffling X-ray:

Appearing toward the start of the April 1st show, Fred A. Lizer from Lincoln, Nebraska described the baffling discovery revealed in a X-ray taken of his body-- a live tomato plant seemed to be growing inside him!

Observations from the Other Side:

First hour guest Annie Kagan shared the extraordinary story of her after death communications (ADC) with her brother Billy. About three weeks after his sudden death, she heard his distinct voice calling out to her, asking her to write down his observations from the Other Side. After perishing in a car accident, he told her he was "sucked up in a chamber of silver light, and the second that those lights touched him, it erased all the pain he had suffered in his entire lifetime...and he was delivered to a beautiful divine universe where the light has all kinds of qualities like compassion and love." He also revealed that it's not a static existence on the Other Side, but rather a vast and complex environment in which transformation and evolution occur at a more active pace than here on Earth.


On Thursday's show, investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe discussed the loud mystery booms that are persisting with intensity, the Monarch butterflies annual migration numbers declining and their possible extinction, and speculation that the function of the strange, 'alien' Gobekli Tepe excavation has to do with the recycling of souls.

In just five days between March 13 and March 17, 2013 hundreds of loud "bone-rattling, house-shaking" boom reports were made by residents to 911 and other local authorities in Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Alabama, southern California, southern Illinois, Idaho and Kentucky. Then on the afternoon of March 19, in New Jersey's Atlantic, Cape May and Cumberland Counties, "multiple earthquake-like tremors rattled homes and offices," but USGS said there was no seismic event recorded. She spoke with Louisville, KY resident Eddie Lashley who described a March 17th event in which he experienced a sound unlike he'd ever heard before that knocked picture frames off the wall, and sent his dogs running for cover under the bed. After the incident, he received phone calls from friends as far as 50 miles away who'd also experienced the boom. Anna Hoaglan of Woodland Hills, CA talked to Linda and described an odd explosive sound like glass breaking that she hea rd at her home on March 7th, yet there was no broken glass anywhere. Linda shared an email from a retired electronics engineer who suggested that the sounds being heard are coming from the Earth itself, and reflect changes deep inside the core.

Since 1994, there has been a steady decline of Monach butterfly migrations, and this winter of 2012-2013, scientists reported the lowest number of monarchs in Mexico on record - only 2.9 acres. And it is Mexico where the butterflies need to lay their eggs on milkweed for their young larvae to eat before changing into Monarchs. The unthinkable is now possible: Monarch extinction. She interviewed Professor of Biology, Chip Taylor, the Founder and Director of Monarch Watch. He told her that Canada, the U. S. and Mexico have expanded GMO corn and soybean acreages filled with herbicides that kill milkweed and consequently kill the natural cycle of Monarchs. Prof. Taylor is working with other scientists to get the three nations to create milkweed sanctuaries in home backyards, city parks and national forests to save the Monarchs.

In a two-part report, she spoke with UK author Andrew Collins who recently published the article Gobekli Tepe: Its Cosmic Blueprint Revealed. The mysterious excavation at Gobekli Tepe, in southeast Turkey, has revealed a temple complex built some 7,000 years before Stonehenge and the Great Pyramid. Collins suggested that certain large standing stones in the complex are linked by one specific circular wall that aims at the brightest star Deneb in the Cygnus Constellation, which sits at the opening of the Dark Rift in the Milky Way Galaxy. This has provoked him to speculate that the function of the temple complex has to do with the recycling or transferring of souls. One of the startling discoveries at the site is a carving of a vulture-like bird with a wing outstretched toward a circle. Later used in Egypt, the symbol of the vulture and circle related to stripping flesh from the bones of the dead and the recycling of souls fro m Earth to the afterlife and back again.

Shroud of Turin Update:

First hour guest, researcher and photographer Barrie Schwortz talked about the history and meaning of the Shroud of Turin-- a linen cloth that many believe was the burial shroud of Jesus. He also reacted to a new report by Giulio Fanti, a professor of mechanical and thermal measurement at Padua University, that the Shroud fabric does indeed date back to the time of Jesus. While Schwortz was pleased to hear positive news about the Shroud, after many claims that it's a forgery, he said there were questions as to whether Fanti had access to a valid sample of the cloth for testing. What do you believe about the Shroud? Check out our Facebook poll.


Dissident researcher Michael Cremo discussed his continuing work in forbidden archeology and human origins, his scientific papers and theories, as well as ancient Sanskrit history and lore. In regards to the ancient aerial craft known as vimanas in ancient India, he said there was reportedly an appearance of one around 5,000 years ago in the city of Dwarka. The vimana was said to attack the city, using different types of aerial weapons, but according to the ancient writings, Lord Krishna shot the craft down and it crashed into the sea. "Some of these vimanas...were made of metal; they were mechanical devices, other ones appeared to be more interdimensional," he detailed.

The ancient Sanskrit material describes periodic catastrophes that wipe out life on Earth over broad cycles of time. We're now in the middle of one such 300 million-year cycle, and in about 180 million years, we can expect a huge devastating cataclysm, Cremo said. He also spoke about his research into psychic archeology and cited how the prominent archaeologist J.T. Robinson, had in 1960 brought a psychic to use in archaeological research at the Sterkfontein Cave site in South Africa. He connected this to accounts in ancient Sanskrit of sages or mystics having a dream or vision about a sacred image being buried in the Earth.

In his just published collection, My Science, My Religion, Cremo has put together 24 different papers that he presented at scientific and academic conferences from 1994 to 2009, many of them dealing with archaeological anomalies, and evidence for extreme human antiquity. If humans have been here for millions and millions of years "that means our current scientific understanding of who we are and where we came from is wrong," he remarked. Further, the non-spiritual materialist world view that humans are like machines made of matter has bred ceaseless conflict and environmental crises, he commented.


Joining George Knapp in the first half, President of Bigelow Aerospace, Bob Bigelow, broke the news about a new NASA contract involving his company that will pave the way for long term exploration of the solar system. The agreement seeks to combine commercial efforts and public goals, in order to provide facilities to work and live in space, possibly including a lunar base, he explained. Bigelow is already providing the International Space Station with a new inflatable room slated to launch in 2015.

NASA doesn't have enough funding to conduct full space explorations, and one way for them to proceed is to partner with private companies, he said. Bigelow Aerospace is being used as the tool to gather together a number of major aerospace companies in the US, and identify who can contribute what, and at what cost, and then orchestrate various kinds of missions, he continued. Bigelow has announced plans to build a space station that will be ready in 2016, though he is uncertain who its users will be at that juncture. He also talked about issues related to UFO disclosure-- he favors "confirmation" rather than disclosure-- that is, a simple acknowledgment by government that UFOs and ETs do exist, without requiring further explication.

Turkey UFO Sighting:

Ufologist Dr. Roger Leir joined the program during the second half to discuss an amazing UFO sighting that was recorded in Kumburgaz, Turkey UFO in 2009 (similar sightings were reported in the area throughout 2007, 2008, and 2009). Dr. Leir, who'd been presenting at a UFO Conference in Istanbul, witnessed the sighting himself, and was with the people who were videotaping it near the Sea of Marmara. At first, the craft appeared to be boomerang-shaped, he said, though what they were seeing might have been a portion of a cylindrical object. In a full-on front view, the 200x optical lens of the camera captured a lot of detail, and intriguingly, in an image analysis by Mario Valdes of Chile, he suggests that alien 'UFO occupants' are visible.

Leir described the occupants as having large heads, and almond-shaped eyes. He speculated that the sightings in this part of Turkey might be so prevalent because there is a large concentration of uranium deposits in the area, and it could be related to something nuclear. While there has been a great deal of media interest in Turkey about the sightings, some have debunked the incident as being caused by a lighthouse, a ship reflecting lights, or other prosaic explanations. Leir also talked about disclosure, citing which countries are more open on the issue, as well as his work removing alien implants. He announced that he has a new book coming out in the next few months that will present scientific details of various implants' anomalous compositions.