Thursday, February 21, 2013


In the first half of Friday's program, George Noory welcomed author and astrologer Donna Stellhorn, who offered Chinese horoscope predictions for 2013 – the Year of the Snake. In addition to the 12 animals of the Chinese Zodiac, each year is also represented by one of four elements. This year the element is water, which when combined with the snake's fiery energy yields conflict, Stellhorn explained. In the past snake years have had a lot of disasters, she revealed, citing the World Trade Center attack in 2001, the Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, the U.S. entering World War II in 1941, and the stock market crash of 1929. According to Stellhorn, the principle of Chinese Astrology is to identify what one can expect in a given year and then alter the environment using the principles of Feng Shui to increase luck. Simply by moving objects around, the subconscious reacts and we can see things differently and avoid danger, she said.

Stellhorn foresees a challenging time ahead for boars, cautioning against speculation this year and urging boars to protect their homes with an 8-sided mirror placed by the front door. Rats can attract opportunities by getting a new 'welcome' mat and oxen should hang an ocean picture to bring in better relationships and business contacts, she advised. Tigers can find dependable relationships by putting something that represents love in the bedroom and rabbits can bring in opportunity be hanging wind chimes outside, Stellhorn continued. The dragon's year is ending, so Stellhorn prescribed creating a restful and healing environment with plants. This is the year for snakes to try new things and they should hang an eclipse symbol for luck, she suggested. Stellhorn explained that horses will need to get rid of clutter and use fountains to create flow, and rams will want to attract healthy love relationships by adding the color red to the bedroom. She recommended monkeys stay groun ded in this cautious snake year by wearing a gemstone called Citrine, dogs protect themselves with foo dog statues outside the home, while roosters should get out and travel in what will be a very lucky year for them.

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