Friday, December 30, 2011

What Will the New Year Hold?

The University of Metaphysical Sciences provides us with some insights into the coming year:

Maybe, Maybe Not
Maybe nothing is going to happen. That is the strange thing about it all. No one seems to know for sure what is going on with the 2012 scenario. It is all a play in consciousness. It is heresy in some people's eyes, inevitable truth to others. Some people even say that the whole 2012 thing is a big marketing scheme. Maybe you will survive, maybe you will not. Even if you make the preparations suggested below, there is no guarantee. Listed below are some of the practical measures we have found in researching this subject. Use this information as you will.

Who knows if anything drastic will even happen in 2012 or not? There is no guarantee that it won't. There is no guarantee that it will. It could all be just another Y2K false alarm. Maybe you could be wasting all your energy preparing for something that never happens and 2012 comes and goes without event. If nothing happens, what is the worst that can happen if you prepared for it? You have some extra food, a house in the beautiful mountains and a quieter reality. Does it matter that you let go of your great house in the city and settled for something "less" for a while. You could always go back to things as normal after a while if nothing happens, and maybe the vacation from the "rat race" will do you some good. You will be refreshed after some rest, self introspection, and communion with nature.

Many people say that 2012 may or may not be the time that it happens. That is just an approximation. Maybe it could happen in 2013, or 2014, or 2015. It could even happen before then. The Mayans say that it could be anywhere between 2007 and 2015. It's 2009 now. Even scientists say that it could happen anytime since positive magnetic energy has already shown up in the south pole area where only negative magnetic energy should be. Even scientists say it could happen any time. After all, the Bible itself said that no one knows the time of Christ's return. It will be a surprise to all of us.

Being Practical Is Not Fear

A lot of pressure will be lifted from your mind if you take some practical measures just in case something happens later. Keep in mind that all the effort you put in for surviving, it may or may not work. You still will need to accept the possibility that you won't survive and be at peace with that. However, there's nothing wrong with giving it your best try to be prepared and be in the right place.

Being practical does not mean you are needing to react from a place of fear. If you see a storm coming it is practical and wise to make preparations before it gets here. Anyone would. It is better to be safe than sorry.

It is not that complicated to take a few practical steps that will help you in your journey through this historical event that is about to unfold in humanity's evolution. It might be dramatic, it might not. It doesn't hurt to be prepared just in case any of it might be true. There seems to be evidence that something unusual is about to unfold even though no one is completely sure what it is. More souls are here than ever in physical form, and there is a reason it is such a high population at this time. Everyone is here for this incredible experience that is about to take place in the world of form. Everyone knows something is up.

If you are interested in this information you are probably one of the people who have been moved to make sure that there are some things in place for a rainy day that might come. This is not the first time a cataclysmic event has happened on the Earth, Noah's flood being one and Atlantis being another. If the Earth doesn't create a crisis, it is highly likely that humanity itself will due to the amount of fear in the world at this time. If nothing else, the economy might make getting necessary items a bit difficult if everything gets too expensive and scarce.

Catalyst For Evolution, Not Destruction

The 2012 Paradigm Shift (Polar Shift) is a catalyst for a quantum leap in evolution for humanity, whether it happens physically, energetically or both. It is not necessarily about survival of the individual although there are some things you could do to better your chances. It is about change on a mass level never before seen in human history. Because humanity itself is likely to make things wild and dramatic, even if the Earth doesn't, it could be a bit of a rough ride because some people won't approach things in a gentle, peaceful, fearless way. People must take care of each other if it is to be gentle. At the last minute in the 11th hour, humanity will embrace that energy. In the meantime it could be stormy consciousness weather because there will be dark dramas that unfold even while the new paradigm is born. Heaven and hell will both exist on the Earth at the same time for a little while as the old paradigm leaves and the new paradigm is born.

The mass events that happen have to do with humanity's consciousness. It has always been that way. Physical reality is the place where humanity's consciousness is reflected back. Mass events are manifestations of where the mass consciousness is at. Because you are part of the mass consciousness, you can affect it in a positive way along with many others who are moving toward a different polarity with the energies unfolding now.

Things to Consider in the New Year

The University of Metaphysical Science offers these thoughts as we enter 2012:

Preparations Leading Up To 2012

Keep in mind that these preparations are only for what leads up to the 2012 shift, which may or may not happen on that date, maybe after or before. Mayans say it can happen as late as 2015. Scientists are divided and say a pole shift could happen even as late as 2017 and might even take a hundred years to complete. No one knows exactly how it's all going to happen. This is uncharted territory. It is a window of time that is depicted for the shift to happen.

After the shift, no one knows what will be going on. Many say it will be a whole different dimension, maybe not. These preparations are more for dealing with the human dramas that will unfold in an unpleasant way leading up to that point since there will be so many people in a state of fear, anger or despair. Once the polar shift happens, none of these preparations will be necessary. These preparations are for the time that unfolds before the polar shift.

Inward Preparation of Consciousness

The first and foremost 2012 survival preparation that must be done is the preparation of your consciousness. You could do all sorts of physical preparations, but if you consciousness is not in alignment with the higher vibrations of the new paradigm coming after 2012, it won't matter what you do at the physical level to save yourself. If you are not fully in an open hearted condition, you will not be in alignment with the new paradigm that comes after 2012. Alignment with the post 2012 shift does not mean that you have to know all the mysteries of the universe, know all the metaphysical and new age teachings, attain spiritual powers (siddhis), or even have a lot of experience with meditation and spiritual endeavors. All that is necessary is that you have an open heart toward others and toward yourself and are willing to surrender to a peaceful way of being and living in the world.

Meditation is something you should begin right away so that you can expand on your abilities to be at peace with your past, be in a state of surrender to the Godself within you, and realize yourself as eternal being that is immersed in a temporary experience of being in the world of form. What is most important is that you develop your ability to be the source of love on this planet, a source of love to others, and develop unconditional love. That is what the new paradigm for humanity is all about. Business must be conducted in a loving way in the future, governments must be run in a loving way, all actions must be done from a place of love, and the caretaking of the Earth must be done in a loving way.

There is no way around this and this is what must be inside you if you are to be in the right place at the right time for the shift that is going to take place. Do not skip this step. This is far more important than all the physical preparations put together. Skipping this step annuls and voids all physical preparation and none of that will matter if you are not in alignment with the new paradigm coming after 2012.

Food Storage Is Most Important

Food is the most important item to be prepared with. Vacuum seal at least enough food for a year for yourself, your family, your pets and some friends and even strangers to share with if you can afford it. Food is easy to stock and store. If you don't have much space because you are a renter, perhaps you can rent a small storage space for very little money. If you don't have much money just do what you can. You still have a some time. Make sure you have sproutable grains so you will have fresh vegetable energy and don't have only dried foods. Get things that expand with water, too. Those are the smallest to store and yet supply a lot of meals. Dried fruits and nuts are ideal as well. You might want to stock up on your favorite vitamins and mineral supplements and perhaps any medicines you might think you need.

Leave The Cities

Cities will be places of unrest in most locations. There will be many people who haven't given any thought to their spirituality, looked what is deeper in themselves, and don't know that the material trance induction is coming to an end. For many people this will be very upsetting, disorienting, and some might see it as a chance to take advantage of the situation and take from others or even harm others. If you live close to a city, you might want to ask yourself if you are on the pathway of people who might be refugees from the cities and might be desperate. Cities would be the hardest hit by social unrest from desperation, military influence, and food shortages. This is not to mention that cities are targets for bio terrorism, destruction and war.
Small towns are ok if you feel that everyone would work together. Some towns will work together and some will not. Small towns are good because if you are far enough away from a metropolis, the military will not be likely to get around to your town right away if there is martial law induced upon the citizens of any given country. There are safe pockets everywhere and small communities will be where those places are.

Pick Your Neighbors Wisely

Judge the nature and the general attitude of the people in any given town if you cannot be in the country. Ask yourself if the people will work together or struggle with one another. The smaller the town, the more likely people will work with one another. They don't all have to believe the way you do, know the same things you know, or even be like you. All they need to be is open hearted toward others and willing to cooperate. Those are the type of people you want to be around. There are people from all faiths and all walks of life who fit into that category. You don't want to be around angry, fearful or aggressive people. Groups where that is the energy present will not be where the safe havens are.

Live At High Elevations

Some scientists say the pole shift would take a long time, decades or hundreds of years, others say the opposite could happen. Scientists don't really know for sure. If they do, they simply aren't telling us. Other scientists say that Planet X Nibiru is coming through our solar system and will wreak havoc on the Earth's gravitational field. Supposedly, Nibiru's passage is what will cause the Earth cataclysms. Other scientists say that no such thing exists. No matter what, if something drastic happens water is a moveable substance. Coastal areas could be considered "slosh zones" if the planet's water gets a little wild. Some say you need to live around a 5000 foot elevation to be safe, others say 8000 feet. Since human history does not contain accurate and verifiable data as to how something like this would play out, it is anyone's guess.

Don't Live Near Disaster Zones

If you know you live near a possible disaster zone, perhaps it's time to move. If you live near a volcano, an earthquake fault-line, tsunami zone, flood area, or a place where hurricanes or tornados happen, these are the places to avoid. There isn't really any place that can be guaranteed to be safe, but these areas are not ideal places to stay if it is possible that there will be Earth cataclysms triggered by either a celestial event or human manipulations.

Water & Water Filtration

Clean water will be a must. Even if you live near a clean river, make sure you have a good filtration device. It doesn't have to be fancy. Even a hand held camping filter will be good enough for most people. If you don't have that, make sure you can boil water.

Shelter & A Wood Stove

Shelter is another very important aspect to deal with. If you are a renter, moving is easy if you're not in the right place. If you own a house in a place you feel might not be safe, plan a second place to either rent or attain cheaply where you think it might be safe, and try to rent something you feel the owner won't want to move back into for some reason.

Some people say that very high winds will happen. If that is the case having a space underground might be necessary which can be created , but not many people will be able to do that. Simply do the best you can. Don't live on a mountain top. Instead, be down in the valley but not in a place that could flood. Have protection from the mountains if you can. Don't live in a place where a landslide could happen, but make use of the shelter from wind that a mountain could provide. Make sure you don't live in a windy place.

Live in a place where you will have access to a wood stove. Make sure you have lots of wood for it. Heating systems that run on electricity or gas will have a limited usage, and if those things are unavailable, you will be without heat. Even if your woodstove will only heat up one room or so and not the whole house, that is good enough.

Prepare For Being Without Electricity

If you can set up back up power that doesn't depend on fuels you have to buy, do so. If you can access, water, wind or solar power, it's there for the taking if you set up the equipment to use it. Don't depend on diesel or gas generators. The fuel might not be available for a price you can afford.

Stay Happy, Stay In Present, Cherish Everyone

More important than anything in your survival through the 2012 Paradigm Shift is your attitude and approach to things. Stay in a positive space. Don't see the coming challenges as a bad thing or something to resist or be afraid of. See the coming challenges as an exciting adventure you are on, an incredible experience you are participating in inside God's imagination. All of this is happening in the mind of God, of which you are a part of, and it isn't often that an entire species goes through a consciousness expanding exercise such as the one humanity is about to go through.

Try not to be sad or depressed, and definitely don't be in a fearful space. Being in a positive pole state of mind will cause you to be in the right place at the right time while you journey through this wild mass event. None of it is really as serious as it seems from the perspective of the bigger picture so have fun with it as you go through the next few years and see how things unfold. Even if hell unfolds in many places in the world, you can be in a heavenly space at the same time. It will be a bit odd to see such extremes manifest in physical reality over the next years, but you can be in the peaceful zones if your consciousness resonates with that. Everyone will move toward what they resonate with.

Live in a state of constant gratitude. Cherish everyone and everything in life and appreciate every day that you are here. It is a blessing to be alive and a state of gratitude brings you more things to be grateful for. So cherish every moment that you have with those who you love, and cherish life itself.

You have to really want to be here to stay. If there is part of you that wants to leave, you might. Decide to stay and commit yourself to that fully in your heart. Watch out for any unconscious "suicidal" language in your mind or in your words that you say to others. Yes, many people are tired of being here because it has been so oppressive to live in this world due to the economic difficulties and other difficulties, but now is not the time to resonate with that energy if you really want to stay here. Going is fine too. Some people feel that they have had a good life and they don't want to do all the work it takes to relocate or change anything. Some people are really ready to go. If you are not truly in that mindset, then you need to fix that way of thinking so it doesn't impinge on your other desire which is to stay on the Earth in the new paradigm.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Alien Visitations Have Long Wartime History

The December 7 issue of CoastZone provided this news on the 70th anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor:

In the course of researching his novels, military fiction writer Mack Maloney discovered startling historical records of an increase of UFO sightings near pivotal military events. On Tuesday's show, he discussed a variety of incidents from World Wars I & II, as well as Viet Nam and other battle zones. One of the earliest cases he found dated back to the time of Alexander the Great, when his army was planning a siege on the city of Tyre, and "flying shields" let out a lightning bolt that destroyed one of the city's walls, which allowed Alexander's army to get in. Proceeding WWI, "scareships" were reported by British newspapers in 1909. They were described as dirigible-like craft that emitted huge searchlights and could travel as fast 200 mph.

In World War II, there were reports that crews of allied bombers would see fantastic aircraft flying just 100-200 ft. off their wing. These strange craft, which became known as "foo fighters," would not take action or interfere with the bombings. One of the foo fighters was described as an enormous cigar-shaped, brightly lit craft that flew in formation with the bombers. Incidents such as these led Maloney to theorize that rather than ETs, the UFO occupants were time travelers who came back to observe significant time periods, such as during wars-- to see history as it was being made.

In the "ghost rocket" sightings of 1946, which took place in a remote area of Sweden, hundreds of long tubular objects flying in formation were seen. While they resembled cruise missiles, this was years before that technology was developed, he noted. Maloney also detailed bizarre incidents that took place in Viet Nam, such as when a bright object came down on top of an American base, illuminating the entire area, while all electricity was knocked out; and a UFO that hung over Hanoi for a period of two hours, while the North Vietnamese shot at it to no effect. For more, view illustrations Maloney sent us from his book.

CoastZone Provides Ancient Aliens Info

The December 5 issue of CoastZone provided this news:

On Sunday night's program, guest host Rob Simone welcomed renowned investigative journalist and author, Philip Coppens, who discussed Earth mysteries such as the Nazca lines and evidence for the existence of ancient visitation of astronauts from outer space. "Our ancestors definitely believed that we were not alone," Coppens declared, citing numerous cultures where their writings and traditions state that the 'gods' lived among them. He speculated that part of the reason why it is not better known that our ancestors were influenced by off-world beings is because their descendants were so poorly treated by Western culture that they became reticent to share this secret knowledge. 

He also noted that the ancient astronaut theory faces two roadblocks from academia: the mainstream cannot accept that our ancestors held these beliefs and also refuse to contemplate that we are not alone. However, Coppens was optimistic by recent changes in the scientific community as the concept of panspermia, which suggests life originated elsewhere and naturally arrived on Earth, has begun to gain supporters. Additionally, he noted that there are some mainstream scientists who have suggested that ETs have visited our planet in the past, albeit before the dawn of human history. Coppens vehemently disagreed with this limited perspective, saying "archaeological, anthropological, mythological, and historical evidence from our ancestors clearly shows that this contact happened within the lifespan of human habitation."

Coppens pointed to the Nazca Lines as one instance where academia was forced to change their perspective on the abilities and culture of an ancient people. To that end, he credited pioneering esoteric researcher Erich Von Daniken, who championed the site as evidence for ancient astronauts and spawned intense interest in the mysterious landmark. Coppens observed that, after forty years of researchers studying the Nazca Lines, "they really have had to concluded that, yes, indeed, these people could take to the air." One potential form of flight used by the Nazca creators, he suggested, are seen in small artifacts known as "gold flyers," which scientists claim represented winged insects. However, Coppens pointed out that, in the 1990's, German engineers reconstructed a scale model "gold flyer" and it "flew perfectly."

Demonic Aliens and UFOs in Washington

The December 3 issue of CoastZone had this to offer:

In the first half, George Noory welcomed UFO expert and editor of
Unicus Magazine, Robert Stanley. He commented on the discovery of an ancient pyramid in China. The structure, estimated to be 12,000-years-old, is filled with metal pipes which have baffled researchers since "there was no real civilization there [12,000 years ago] to make pipes," Stanley explained. This has led some to believe the pyramid is of alien origin, he added. Stanley also talked about his work investigating UFOs in the Washington DC area. On April 14 eyewitnesses claim to have seen UFOs chased out of the vicinity of Andrews Air Force Base, and on May 12 a mother and daughter reported an encounter with a red spherical UFO moving alongside their van, he disclosed. There is clearly something going on in the Nation's Capitol and no one has been able to debunk it, he said.

Evil extraterrestrial entities may be involved in all of this too. "There are people in Washington DC who have been possessed by demonic aliens," Stanley revealed. In addition, there have been numerous reports of a demon cat living in the sub-basement of the U.S. Capitol building that shows up during times of national crises, he noted. According to Stanley, various kinds of demonic alien entities, including reptilians, grays, and a group of creatures that look like giant amoebas, have sought to covertly manipulate mankind over the centuries. Stanley suggested there has been a government cover-up of their existence and activity, and believes the goal of these demonic aliens is to provoke humanity toward negativity. They are preventing us from reaching our true potential as a race and must be dealt with, he said.

CoastZone Reveals Secret Space Research

The December 1 issue of CoastZone provided this news:

C2C Science Advisor and head of the Enterprise Mission, Richard C. Hoagland, discussed the latest American and Russian unmanned efforts to reach Mars and what may be the true nature of those missions. He suggested that the agenda behind the Russian Phobos-Grunt craft is not to travel to the Martian inner moon, but to actually journey to the YU55 asteroid that recently passed by Earth. He theorized that the Russians are interested in this object because it is not merely an asteroid, but is actually a craft. The origins of this craft, Hoagland said, could be from an ancient civilization that once populated the galaxy but was destroyed in a massive war.

While the dueling Martian missions of the US and Russia may appear to be a new space race, Hoagland put forward the idea that it is really "a covert cooperation with the illusion of a competition." In this scenario, he said, the Russians are hoping to land their craft on the YU55 and take samples of it. Meanwhile, the Americans may have used their secret spy plane, known as the X-37B, to "rendezvous with YU55 as it comes through the system" and take detailed images of the object. Hoagland pointed to news that the X-37B was ending its latest mission early as a potential sign that "it's bringing something home." He cited a BBC report which quoted a Russian astronomer who described "strange structures" on YU55 as well as the repeated comparisons of the 'asteroid' to an aircraft carrier as potentially leaked clues to what the object really is.

Regarding NASA's Curiosity Rover, Hoagland surmised that, if his theories are correct, it will ultimately lead to the disclosure that there was once an ancient race of people on the Red Planet. He explained that the planned landing site for Curiosity is inside the Gale Crater on Mars, where a mysterious mountain sits in the center. The origin of this mountain, Hoagland noted, baffles astronomers. Based on his study of photos of this land mass, he contended that it is "an ancient structure." Noting that Curiosity is nuclear powered, rather than solar powered like previous Mars rovers, Hoagland speculated that perhaps NASA plans on using the vehicle to explore inside this ancient structure.  Beyond that, he revealed that Curiosity's nuclear design will also allow for it to potentially be used to journey to Cydonia and examine the infamous anomalies found there.