Friday, February 24, 2012


In three half-hour segments on Thursday's show, investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe discussed the large number of strange and unexplained horn-like sounds filling the air since March 2011 and possible causes. The phenomenon surfaced after a number of videos were uploaded on YouTube from such divergent places as Norway, Costa Rica, Tennessee and Kiev, Ukraine. Recently, Linda interviewed two witnesses in Tennessee, who in separate locations, heard the Kiev-like horn sounds on January 18-19, 2012. One of the witnesses, retired real estate agent Cindy Smith was packing her car for a trip when the air was filled with the Kiev horn sounds coming from every direction. The strange sounds lasted about 30 seconds and left Cindy frightened, wanting to know what happened.

A woman in Topeka, Kansas told Linda she was awakened on September 3, 2011 at her Perry Lake vacation home by the sound of "a television turned on in the distance with voices we could not make out." Yet, as she and her husband discovered, no television was on in their home when the sounds were heard.  In January 2012, an Azerbaijan geophysicist named Elchin Khalilov released an article in which he suggested the strange sounds people are hearing are related to "acoustic-gravity waves caused by powerful solar flares and plasma emissions from the sun." However, when Linda interviewed NASA solar physicist David Hathaway he doubted that solar activity could be connected with the sounds.

Linda raised an interesting hypothesis-- "what if some of the strange sounds heard around the world...were part of an American government test of what some have called 'voice of God' weapons?" Around the time of 9-11, there were rumors that the Defense Dept. wanted to try sending directed sound waves into the minds of Middle East terrorists, she noted. Linda also presented a report on the increased number of dolphins stranded and dying in Cape Cod & the New Jersey shore since January 2012. She spoke with marine biologist Trevor Spradlin who found the incidents to be unprecedented and perplexing.

New Disclosure Petition:

First hour guest, UFO disclosure activist
Stephen Bassett talked about a new petition he is spearheading, which is posted on the White House/We the People website. In response to a previous petition, the Obama administration declared that the US govt. has no knowledge of ET contact, so the new petition asks for information related to the Rockefeller Initiative which was said to investigate the ET question during the Clinton administration. Bassett noted that the new petition needs to get 25,000 signatures in order to receive a response from the government.
                                                              KEEP YOUR EYE IN THE SKY

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Mind Power & Change:
Combining the fields of quantum physics, neuroscience, biology, and genetics,
Dr. Joe Dispenza discussed how to create change and a new reality for oneself on Tuesday's show. By the time a person has reached the age of 35, "we've memorized a set of behaviors, emotional reactions, and thought patterns" that have become 95% of our identity..."then, the greatest habit we have to break is the habit of being ourselves," he commented. By repeating the same routines day after day, "we begin to hard wire our brain into very specific patterns that reflect our external world," so to effect change we have to think beyond the environment and conditions in our life, he continued.

Dispenza spoke about "demystifying the mystical," and using meditation to become aware of how thoughts and emotions are functioning-- how a person can see past their mental programming, and identify as the consciousness observing the program. "Meditation, then, is the unlearning process-- it's to become aware of the old self, the aspects of our selves we want to change by going into the operating system of those subconscious programs and bringing them into our conscious awareness so that we have dominion over them," he explained.

Through meditation, we can slow brain wave patterns down, and move into greater coherence, so that one isn't knocked out of balance by external and emotional factors, Dispenza detailed. He also talked about the notion of neuroplasticity-- the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections, such as through the process of learning, as well as people who who've experienced spontaneous remissions from illnesses-- they've actually changed their mind, which then changed their health.
                                                                                                KEEP LOOKING UP TO SKY

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


coast to coast am

In the first half of Monday's show, head of
Enterprise Mission, Richard C. Hoagland, talked about the 50th anniversary of astronaut John Glenn's orbiting the Earth, as well as America's future in space exploration. He noted how tiny the craft was in Glenn's historic mission-- they "literally wriggled him in there with a shoehorn and he was surrounded by equipment, and panels, and periscope, and then they sealed him in there." The event was televised live by NASA, and he did three orbits in a little over 5 hours, before he splashed down in the South Atlantic, after a harried re-entry, Hoagland recounted.

Hoagland cited Senator Glenn's cameo appearance on the sitcom Frasier in 2001, where he told of seeing "strange things" in space, as perhaps being more grounded in truth than comedy ( text/ video). Glenn, now 90, recently bemoaned the fact that the US currently has no space vehicle, and that NASA must rely on the Russians to transport Americans to the ISS. Hoagland suggested that a discovery of life in our solar system, such as by the Martian rover Curiosity, could act as a game changer, and reinvigorate NASA and the US government to launch manned space missions.

Genetic Manipulation & Prophecy:

In the latter half, Hebrew scholar and expert in biblical prophecy,
Douglas Hamp, warned that we're entering into an era of genetic manipulation that will set the stage for celestial intervention into the affairs of mankind. He predicted that within the next ten years a major disclosure event will take place which will convince the public to cooperate with aliens (who are actually demons rather than ETs) to participate in the next level of evolution. These aliens are using a hybridization program, mixing human genetics with the Satanic, in order to create an army to fight Jesus upon his return, he postulated. Further, he suggested that the hybrids might be currently kept in underground facilities.

He correlated such beings with biblical accounts, in which the Nephilim or fallen angels, mated with human females, and had offspring, some of whom were said to be giants. Scientific tampering with the genetic code, such as with recombinant DNA, may lead to the possibility that people will be offered genetic enhancements, and if they accept them they'll be turned into Satanic hybrids, akin to the Bible's 'mark of the beast,' Hamp commented.

Keep looking up in the sky!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Paranormal Encounters from Coast to Coast

CoastZone AM provided this interesting report about shadow people and hat men:

In the first half of the show, George Noory welcomed paranormal researcher Heidi Hollis for a discussion on Shadow People and "Hat Man" encounters. Hollis revealed that she was personally haunted by Shadow People for several years. The veil between our worlds has been thinning, she explained, pointing out that many people are now experiencing encounters with shadow creatures. Hollis made a distinction between these shadow creatures and an entity she calls the "Hat Man," noting that he wears a trench coat and flat-brimmed hat, and seems to have authority over Shadow People. Although the "Hat Man" may appear differently to various witnesses, Hollis suggested he is a singular being capable of appearing in multiple places at the same time. He is a menacing presence, an evil incarnate, whose message seems to be, "Fear me, I own you," she added.

Hollis spoke about her visit to Hell and the reality of Jesus. She admitted being skeptical of other people's so-called encounters with Jesus, until she had a four life-changing meetings with him herself, and was healed of an incurable disease. "Jesus is no joke... he really is watching and he really is anxious to return," she announced. Hollis described her dream journey to Hell, where she recalled trudging through thick smelly mud within the body of a resident there. She described exploring a labyrinth of dark corridors that were lined with numerous iron cages crowded with tormented people, all overseen by creatures called Keepers. Hollis remembered telling some of the hopeless inhabitants that they would have a second chance to get out of Hell. She also encouraged listeners to join her Paranormal Pledge Facebook group.

Saturday, February 4, 2012


John shared his predictions about 2012 a year that he foresees to be filled with change and tumuiluous events.he also reivewed his Prediction That 2011Would be The" year of 12Catastrophes,"and cited various calamities like tornadoes and floods that fulfilled this.2012" is the year when the people push back,"and we'll see Millions of people taking to the street To protest all over the world, particularly in In the spring and summer.this global middle class movement /awakening against the corporate aristocracy and suppression of democracy will be particularly strong in Asia, and the middle East, but will also be felt in the US,he in february, as Neptune moves into pisces for a long period, 2012 will show itself to be one of the most irrationally based year, with people driven by emotions, and gut reactions, he commented.Hogue foresees a large quake on the west coast of America or Mexico, most likely during the July-September time frame,and volcanic eruptions well be more of a problem in 2012 than quakes adding that solar flares probably won't be an issue until 2013.he doesn't believe Mayan calendar relates much to this year.