Friday, February 28, 2014

illness & climate ;

On Thursday's show, Earthfiles investigative reporter, Linda Moulton Howe, discussed the more than 100 earthquakes in the Oklahoma City area since February 13th; a link between bizarre trumpet and metallic sounds with black aerial triangular craft; an unusually large number of dolphins found stranded and/or dead in the northern Gulf of Mexico; and new research that confirms the Arctic is warming faster than the rest of the planet. In addition to the small magnitude quake swarms that continue in Oklahoma, many people reported to authorities loud booms and houses shaking, with one resident saying it "felt like bombs going off." Austin Holland, a seismologist at the Oklahoma Geological Survey, told Linda that the area has the potential to have a large earthquake (1,300 years ago on the Meers fault, a magnitude 7 occurred), but the recent swarm of seismic activity does not necessarily indicate that.
Independent witnesses in California and Idaho reported black triangles hovering close above their respective houses. Trumpet sounds came from the triangle in California in the 1998 incident, and metal scraping was heard in Idaho in 2009. The Idaho witness, a man named Wane, described the craft as "very big, dark, and it was moving slowly in a relatively low elevation making a very odd, loud, outrageously metallic scraping noise." Mark, a remote viewing instructor, spoke of being awakened by the sound of a trumpet, which increased in intensity, as a black craft slowly drifted above his home.
In her third report, Linda detailed the unusually large number of bottle nose dolphins found stranded and/or dead or seriously diseased in the northern Gulf of Mexico since the BP oil spill of spring 2010. Eighteen marine scientists joined together to study the stranding of 1,062 dolphins along the Texas/Louisiana border, of which 913 were bottle nose dolphins. In a recent publication of the Environmental Science & Technology journal and in a February 2014 NOAA-hosted press conference, the scientists cited the dire situation of dolphins found in Barataria Bay, Louisiana, and suggested their conditions "could likely be linked with their exposure to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill."
In February 2014, the U.K. suffered unrelenting hurricane conditions and winter flooding, while in the eastern half of the United States, record-breaking cold, icy rain and snow have overwhelmed local and state government abilities. Simultaneously, the western half of the United States is suffering one of the worst droughts on record, threatening water supplies. All of these weather events are directly linked to the wavy pattern the jet stream has increasingly been taking in recent summers and winters, Linda reported. Atmospheric physicist Jennifer Francis explained that the jet stream now is largely driven by warm Arctic temperatures close to the ground and very cold stratospheric winds high above the Earth reacting to the cold and heat imbalances. Further, the entire Arctic is melting two to three times faster than areas farther south, and the weather extremes we've been experiencing could become the new normal. 

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


MUFON Case Files   
#52573 and #52576
   I received a call recently from a retired TWA pilot who urgently needed to speak with me. He introduced himself as a commercial airline pilot with 48 years of flying experience who had had two incredible sightings during his career as a pilot that he now felt comfortable talking about since he was retired, but that was not what prompted him to call, it was a more intriguing story that I will share with you in just a minute.
He started off by sharing a report of being the co-pilot on a TWA flight from Saint Louis to San Francisco, the flight had been delayed several hours due to mechanical problems, but finally got off the ground late in the evening heading West. As the flight approached the state of Nevada Air Traffic Control (ATC) broke the silence stating that traffic was in the area and requested they make an immediate 90 degree turn to the North and wait further instructions, an odd request at nearly 1am and 36,000 feet. Usually little or no air traffic existed at this hour of the morning, especially at this altitude. They immediately followed the instructions given by ATC. As they were heading North he happened to look down and see what appeared to be an ILS turn on, on the dark desert surface below. For those who are not familiar, an ILS is an Instrument Landing System. This ILS was different though, it was a 3-dimensional hologram, something he had never seen before as an airline pilot. It was also blue with violet light crossing at 90 degree angles. The next thing he noticed was that in the upper right hand corner of their cockpit windshield there appeared to be maybe 20-30 firefly type lights flitting around way up high in the sky, they then began making hard right angle turns and shot one after the other down the holographic ILS until every one of them was on the ground. Then the ILS turned off and it was pitch black again on the ground. He turned to the pilot and asked, "Did we just see that?" The pilot looked at him and answered, "No sir, we did not". ATC then came back on the radio and said that they were now clear of any traffic and gave them a new course heading to San Francisco. The exact location of where the holographic ILS opened up and the lights in the sky made hard right angle turns to land was Area 51 he told me. The year was 1988.
   His second story was even more bizarre and corroborates stories that have been circulating for a number of years in the UFO field. It was around the spring of 1960. and he was camping with his uncle and his uncle's friend in the western Sierras. It was nighttime and as he looked up at the night sky the Milky Way looked so close he could almost touch it. As he was looking up he said out loud, "I wonder if we will see a flying saucer tonight?" His uncle's friend who we'll call Frank said to him, "Oh, do you believe in flying saucers?" His reply was short, "Why of course, it would be silly to think that we are all alone with all that we can see that is out there." Frank then said, "Well then, I'll tell you a story but if you ever tell anyone I told you, I'll have to deny it". He then went on to recount how in 1954 while working as a contractor at Edwards Air Force base that one day there was a lot of commotion and a car pulled up and President Eisenhower stepped out of it. He asked one of the MPs standing nearby "What is the President doing at Edwards AFB?" The MP replied, "He's here to meet with beings from another world". At his point he noticed several congressmen get out of the car, and a representative from the Archdiocese of Los Angeles and they proceeded to go into a building on the base that was heavily guarded by MPs. Later that day after the cars had left and the commotion had died down Frank asked his MP friend "So what happened?" Frank was told that the beings told the President that we were destroying the planet and needed to stop immediately (remember this was 1954 and the USA had been setting off Atomic Bombs in the Southwest deserts of the US with some regularity while doing nuclear weapons testing). They told the President that if the United States would take responsibility to be the caretaker of the planet they would be willing to share their technology with us. Our witness thought Frank was kidding him when he told him this story, and never gave it much thought until just recently when he saw a story on TV about the Eisenhower meeting and thought to himself "Holy Cow" Frank WAS telling me the TRUTH! And this was in 1960!!!
   Now my reason for sharing these two stories with you is not to get you to believe that Area 51 exists, or that the Eisenhower meeting with beings from another world was real, but to tell you that the power of MUFON is that people TRUST MUFON as the place to go to share their UFO sighting reports and more. This trust is earned each and everyday by the outstanding work our Field Investigators do in chasing down the facts on each and every case, including the ones just shared above. I know that there are more of these incredible stories out there with people just dying to tell us if we are only willing to listen, and I look forward to sharing them with you in the months and years ahead.  

Monday, February 24, 2014


On Sunday night's program, George Knapp was joined, for the full four hours, by UFO research pioneer Richard Dolan , who discussed the challenges of investigating UFOs in today's 21st century world, where we're flooded with claims, videos and data of all types. "By unpacking the UFO mystery," he marveled, "we are really diving into many, many important issues that are critical for our own era." Dolan noted that researching the phenomenon can have a transformative effect on a person as they begin to see institutions like the government and media from a wholly different perspective. Additionally, he said, new scientific realms, such as alternative physics and the study of consciousness, emerge when one examines the implications of UFOs being real. Despite being marginalized and mocked by the mainstream, Dolan contended that the topic of UFOs could be a "profound gateway" to ideas that could transform the world.

Regarding the overwhelming amount of UFO news and information which has become available in the modern Internet era, Dolan lamented that "every single day, here comes another rumor or another claim or another video we have to look at." In order to help determine the validity and origins of potential UFO photos and claims, he advised students of the phenomenon to utilize simple tools like Google date and reverse image searches to potentially solidify the sources of this information. "Yes, we want to be open minded," he mused, "but we have to be critically minded at the same time." Dolan expressed optimism that, as technology advances, the ability to analyze potential UFO evidence will surpass the ability of hoaxers and frauds to create it.

Dolan also addressed the systemic problem which stands in the way of proving the existence of UFOs. "It's not so much the 'proof' that we're talking about," he said, "but who is authorized to deem something as 'proof.'" To that end, Dolan observed that the scientific community has been positioned as "an authoritarian, societal system" which is granted the responsibility of determining the legitimacy of UFO evidence. However, since that system is "intertwined with our political and national security hierarchy," the efforts of mainstream science to fairly examine the UFO subject must be looked at with great suspicion. Over the course of his appearance, Dolan also shared a number of stories concerning retired military officials revealing UFO secrets prior to their death as well as government sabotage and infiltration of civilian UFO research groups.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Dear Ronald,
As a MUFON Newsletter subscriber each month we will be providing you with an interesting case from the MUFON Case Files. These are real cases that have been investigated and found to be unexplained. We hope you enjoy these monthly updates designed to keep you in the know about the UFO Phenomena happening all around us.

Please feel free to post or forward this e-mail to others you know have an interest.

All good wishes,

Jan C. Harzan
Executive Director
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MUFON Case Files   
#51269, #51270, and #51156
  Venice, Florida   Sept 26 - 28, 2013
In southwestern Florida near the town of Venice, a boomerang shaped object was spotted on three consecutive nights.
On September 26, 2013, a husband and wife were sitting near their pool and enjoying the evening. The sky was clear with no clouds and no moonlight. The husband saw the object first. It was moving from south to the northeast. It was a large transparent boomerange shaped wing. The husband could only see the edge of the craft distorting the stars as it moved. It shimmered almost like water and remained visible for about ten seconds.
Unexpectedly, the same couple saw the object the next night. This time it was moving from the northeast towards the witnesses and traveling at a higher rate of speed than the night before. The object slowed as it traveled overhead and for about four seconds it became completely visible. It banked like a plane before it disappeared from view over their home's roof. They described it as a shiny dark-gray color with a blue/white strip of light light from wingtip to wingtip that outlined a shape similar to a drawn longbow. There appeared to be convolutions on the wings and the wing tip edges were curved and curled upwards. It had two large circular shapes under each wing.
On the third night, the object was seen by a second couple about 12 miles to the north of the first couple. The couple described the object as a cloudy V-shaped craft. That night there was a light overcast of cirrus clouds but the witnesses could still see the stars. The object looked transparent. 
Below is a map of the three sightings and the locations of the witnesses. 

Mutual UFO Network (MUFON)
3822 Campus Drive, Suite 201  Newport Beach, CA 92660

Monday, February 17, 2014


In the latter half, therapist Carla Wills-Brandon updated her work documenting evidence of contact with the afterlife through deathbed visions. She gave examples of the dying making contact with loved ones who have already departed, indicating that physical death is not the end of one's existence. In one unusual case from Pennsylvania, a husband and wife were in separate hospitals, and one passed on before the other, and was there to great their spouse as they too began to die, she recounted. Physicians and nurses are becoming more aware and accepting of deathbed visions, even if they're non-believers, she reported. Researchers have found that such visions are very common among the dying, and even for those sitting at their bedsides, she noted.
When we crossover to the Other Side, we take with us ourselves in a largely unchanged manner, and the environment is not so drastically different from what we know on Earth-- it's like moving from New York to California, she mused. To get a feeling about what the afterlife is like, people can do a kind of guided imagery exercise, visualizing leaving their body, greeting deceased loved ones, and observing the details of that realm, she suggested. Wills-Brandon also spoke about her study of dreamtime premonitions, which accurately foretell of a coming event or tragedy, and occur to many people who are not particularly psychic.


On Sunday's show, George Knapp welcomed Joseph McMoneagle who is known as the best Operational Remote Viewer in the history of the U.S. Army's Special Project-- Stargate. While in the project, one of his most remarkable RV sessions was when he provided details about a top-secret Soviet manufacturing plant, and accurately predicted that a new class of submarine with twin hulls was under construction there. He also produced crucial location information that assisted in the rescue of General James Dozier after he was kidnapped in Italy in 1981. In terms of helping locate missing people, he said he's done 15 two-hour specials for Japanese TV, demonstrating remote viewing live on camera, and finding at least half of the people he was asked to look for.
McMoneagle also detailed an NDE he had in 1970, in which he viewed himself from out of the body, went through a tunnel of light, and had a life review. Later, he worked with Robert Monroe exploring out-of-body experiences, and RV at the Monroe Institute. During his work with Monroe, McMoneagle remote viewed Mars using double-blind GPS locations, and saw structures with pyramids and right-angle walls-- an area JPL refers to as the "ruined city of Mars." One of the pyramids was so large, you could fit five Giza-size pyramids in it, he recalled. It turned out his target was actually Mars in the year 1 million BC.
Remote viewing life in the year 3000, he saw a greatly reduced population on Earth-- around 1/30 of what we have now. Rather than war or disease, he speculated that humankind may have discovered interstellar travel by this point, and that could explain the smaller population. Housing and buildings will be primarily underground, leaving more rooms for parks and recreation on the surface, he added. The biggest issue we face in the near future has to do with climate change, and its negative effects on food and energy, McMoneagle cautioned.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014


In the latter half, researchers L.A. Marzulli and Brien Foerster discussed new findings and theories about the mysterious elongated skulls from Peru (video). While many of the ancient skull elongations are due to intentional deformations through head binding, a group of elongated skulls from Paracas on the south coast of Peru have 25% more cranial volume. Preliminary DNA testing of material from five of the Paracas skulls shocked a major geneticist in the United States, Foerster reported. "There are segments from the DNA of at least one sample, if not more, that are not found in the GenBank, which is the global database of human and animal DNA," and they don't match anything Homo Sapiens, Neanderthal or Denisovan, he continued.
Foerster postulated that the elongated skulls of Paracas were part of lost race/royal bloodline that lived around 2,000 years ago, and initiated the Nazca Lines in Peru, before their race was wiped out by the people living at Nazca. Marzulli discussed the testing of a hair sample from the Paracas skull which turned out to have surprising similarities to a strand of hair said to be from an alien hybrid (related graph). He believes that the large-skulled Paracas might have been a branch of the ancient Nephilim, who appear in modern day as alien abductors. Brien will be a presenter on the Egypt- Lost Superior Technologies & Consciousness of the Ancients Tour II, taking place March 30 - April 14, 2014. More info here.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014


Appearing on Monday's show, author Richard Bach, whose Jonathan Livingston Seagull was a 1970s best-seller, thought that he understood the true nature of reality but when he suffered a near-fatal crash in his seaplane in 2012, everything changed. After seven days in a coma, the former USAF fighter pilot awoke to discover that his memory of the crash was far different from the reality. He recalled a gentle landing rather than his plane slamming into the ground which is what actually occurred. He shared his revelations on his journey among angels, and spirits during his near-death state.
During the coma state, Bach experienced floating in a dirigible about 1500 ft. above a beautiful land. Curiously, there was a door inside the craft which had a sign on it that said 'Do Not Open This Door.' He later realized that if he had gone through the door, he wouldn't have been able to return to the world of the living. One thing he learned from the experience was that "there is love that does not have anything to do with space and time at all-- it is an absolutely perfect love that sees us, knows us, and guides us," and that's all one needs.
One of the meanings behind Jonathan Livingston Seagull is that "we are creatures of enormous powers...if we want to, we can learn anything," he remarked. A touchstone of the bestseller was that it was a "whisper of our spirit, saying you don't have to live a life that you don't like. You can change-- it's going to cost you, you may not have quite the money...but you're going to have a very difficult but very happy life," he explained. For more, check out this video clip in which Bach addresses his writing process
MUFON UFO Sighting Statistics for January 2014
Dateline January 2014
January 2014 saw a total of 747 UFO sightings reported to MUFON from 35 countries worldwide. This represents a 45% increase over the December reporting period.  A breakdown by country is shown to the right. If you scroll down there is also a breakdown by state, as well as by shape and distance from the witness.
To learn more about these sightings goto and use the "UFO Case Files" Search function located in the upper right hand corner of the home page, or JOIN MUFON and read about them in the MUFON Journal.
As a MUFON e-mail subscriber we will be providing you this UFO statistical summary each and every month to keep you abreast of the latest UFO activity worldwide.
All good wishes,
Jan C. Harzan
Executive Director
Mutual UFO Network
Quick Links


   Number of UFO Reports by Country
        UFO Reports By State

New York24
North Carolina17
South Carolina15
New Jersey13
New Mexico7
West Virginia4
New Hampshire3
District of Columbia2
Rhode Island1
South Dakota1

Monday, February 10, 2014


On Wednesday's show, authority on Nostradamus and prophecy, John Hogue, shared his predictions for 2014 and beyond, on such issues as the economy, world turmoil and climate, and cited prophecies of Nostradamus, and Matthias Stormberger, a 19th century visionary. This year marks the 100-year anniversary of World War I, and there are parallels between 1914 and 2014, he suggested, adding that the next four years will bring a major upheaval to our economic system, as a decentralizing revolution takes place, and currencies such as bitcoin become genuine alternatives to the banking system. "In four to ten years, the banks of the world will be relics like Pompeii," he stated.
While Hogue had previously written that "2014 would be the breath of peace that might succeed," he now believes that forces in Israel, America, and Iran, because of misinterpretations of various doomsday apocalyptic prophecies, want to see a war happen because it will fulfill prophecies to bring forth a Messiah. Regarding possible terrorism at the Sochi Olympics, he doesn't see anything occurring at the event itself, but rather, a terrorist act will happen elsewhere in Russia toward the end of the games, and have a large impact.
Hogue expressed concern for a possible tsunami and quakes in North America associated with a solar eclipse coming in August 2017 (the path runs over seismic areas from Oregon to South Carolina). When eclipse shadows pass over certain areas, within a few weeks to 18 months afterward, natural disasters and earthquakes are known to occur, he said. Referred to as the "German Nostradamus," Matthias Stormberger, was a cow herder from Rabenstein, whose prophetic visions have proved to be both startling and accurate, Hogue recounted. Stormberger saw the coming of planes, cars, and trains, and predicted both WWI and WWII. He also saw a third great conflagration, where "in one day, more men will die than in all previous wars. The battles will be accomplished with artificial weapons