Sunday, June 17, 2012


Prophecy of the Popes:

On Sunday's show hosted by George Noory, author and publisher with a specialty in End Times and prophecy,
Tom Horn, discussed his new research on the prophecy of the Popes, and how 2012 will be the fulfillment of St. Malachy's prediction that the Catholic Church will see one final Pope before its destruction. Almost 900 years ago, the Irish seer, St. Malachy, came to Rome and "suddenly had this frenzied vision in which he wrote down the descriptives of every Pope that would ever exist from his day to the final Pope," Horn reported. According to Malachy's prophesied list, the next Pope after the current one (Pope Benedict) will be the last one, #112. This final Pope, Petrus Romanus (or Peter the Roman) will lead the Church into the great tribulation period and the destruction of Rome. Some Catholic mystics believe he will be an infiltrator under Satanic control. Evangelical prophecy refers to this person as the "False Prophet&quo t; who helps to usher in the Antichrist, Horn continued.

If an Italian is voted in as the next Pope, that could be the fulfillment of Malachy's prophecy, Horn noted, adding that a number of church scholars going back hundreds of years have cited 2012 as the year when the False Prophet emerges. This timing coincides with other prophetic material such as from the Mayans, and Cherokee, as well as the Kabbalah's Zohar book, which named 2012 as the year when the Messiah returns, he detailed. Further, in 1951, a French Jesuit named Rene Thibaut, a codebreaker and mathematician, verified the accuracy of Malachy's predictions, and calculated that Petrus Romanus would arrive in 2012.

Horn also spoke about the late Father Malachi Martin's warning of a secret plan by the "Illuminati/Freemasons" to infiltrate the Vatican and use it to bring about a New World Order. A friend of Martin's, Father Alfred Kunz, was murdered, and Martin believed he was killed by Satanists at the Vatican. The case is still unsolved, and Horn has investigated the possible conspiracy. For more, check out this video trailer, for his new book, Petrus Romanus.


On Sunday night's program, George Knapp was joined by investigative journalist, Jim Marrs, who appeared for the full four hours and discussed his research into the elite's agenda for enslaving the human race. He dismissed concerns over being derisively labeled a "conspiracy theorist," because, in hindsight, "it turns out that everything, generally, that I have presented has always proved to be true." On a grand scale, Marrs contended that "off the shelf" technology exists to feed, house, and medically treat everyone on the planet, but it is not put to use because, "somewhere, somebody wants it that way." This purposeful neglect, he said, is "the biggest proof not only of conspiracy but the biggest conspiracy going on right now."

"We're talking about a very, very small handful of people connected to bloodline families that go all the way back through history," he said about the powerful global elite, lamenting that "these people think they have the right to run the world." In light of that belief, Marrs observed that their leadership has led to widespread debt, "unending warfare," an emerging police state, and a myriad of other problems facing the human race. He claimed that the increasing amount of polarization amongst the population is orchestrated to "divide and conquer" the human race and prevent people from uniting against the overarching agenda at work against them. "If we'd simply wise up and start banding together," he suggested, "then I really do believe that we can overcome this scourge that has been put upon us."

Ultimately, Marrs warned that rampant pollution, the proliferation of pharmaceutical drugs, and tinkering with the food supply are all part of a larger agenda aimed at reducing the world's population. "They want us dead," he declared, "this isn't about which political system works best, this is about self defense and survival." On why the powerful elite would want to cull the human race, Marrs theorized that there may, in fact, be a connection to the UFO phenomenon, which appears to stretch as far back in human history as the bloodlines of these power brokers. He opined that those behind the New World Order may be trying to develop the technology to contact ETs, may be working at the behest of these entities, or, most chillingly, may actually not even be humans. "It might be that that they're not even us," he mused, "so they don't care about us."


Antihumanism Movement:

In the first half of Tuesday's show, innovator in the fields of aerospace and energy,
Robert Zubrin, discussed the history of the antihumanism movement. He traced the movement to Thomas Malthus' ideas about population in the 18th century, to Paul Ehrlich's dire warnings about population growth in the 20th century (overpopulation is growing like a cancer, and our planet can't sustain it), as well as studies by the Club of Rome, a global think tank. Currently, powerful and unprincipled elites are behind genocidal population-control programs around the world, he contended. "The use of this kind of ideology...says that human beings are destroyers and basically have to be put under control or they're going to wreck everything and therefore, we the wise ones, must be in control," he continued.

Zubrin suggested that this kind of control has played out by stopping or discouraging technology that could be of enormous benefit to mankind, such as nuclear power. He further cited the banning of the pesticide DDT which was used to wipe out malaria (now 3 million Africans die each year from it), protests against enriched GMO foods which could save millions who die from vitamin deficiencies, and the reduction of industrialization under the guise of concern about global warming. He argued that environmentalists had been duped into this line of "fashionable" thinking which he compared to eugenics-- considered acceptable by many in the mainstream back in its day. Zubrin also talked about recent private space projects, and the need for the US to establish mining patent offices for space exploration such as on asteroids.


Monthly Statistical MUFON Report

Shape of ObjectNumber of Reports
Sphere 195
Circle 128
Star-like 122
Triangle 78
Fireball 70
Oval 65
Unknown 52
Other 50
Disc 46
Cylinder 32
Square/Rectagular 27
Flash 27
Cigar 25
Diamond 20
Boomerang 19
Egg 13
Bullet/Missile 12
Blimp 10
Chevron 8
Cone 5
Saturn-like 5
Teardrop 5
Cross 4

as well as the distance from the observer;

Distance from WitnessNumber of Reports
< 100 ft 60
101-500 ft 71
501 ft - 1 Mile 163
Over 1 Mile 163
Unknown 207