Sunday, June 17, 2012


Antihumanism Movement:

In the first half of Tuesday's show, innovator in the fields of aerospace and energy,
Robert Zubrin, discussed the history of the antihumanism movement. He traced the movement to Thomas Malthus' ideas about population in the 18th century, to Paul Ehrlich's dire warnings about population growth in the 20th century (overpopulation is growing like a cancer, and our planet can't sustain it), as well as studies by the Club of Rome, a global think tank. Currently, powerful and unprincipled elites are behind genocidal population-control programs around the world, he contended. "The use of this kind of ideology...says that human beings are destroyers and basically have to be put under control or they're going to wreck everything and therefore, we the wise ones, must be in control," he continued.

Zubrin suggested that this kind of control has played out by stopping or discouraging technology that could be of enormous benefit to mankind, such as nuclear power. He further cited the banning of the pesticide DDT which was used to wipe out malaria (now 3 million Africans die each year from it), protests against enriched GMO foods which could save millions who die from vitamin deficiencies, and the reduction of industrialization under the guise of concern about global warming. He argued that environmentalists had been duped into this line of "fashionable" thinking which he compared to eugenics-- considered acceptable by many in the mainstream back in its day. Zubrin also talked about recent private space projects, and the need for the US to establish mining patent offices for space exploration such as on asteroids.

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