Monday, November 12, 2012

read up on it

the Paranormal:
Computer scientist, specializing in artificial intelligence and neural networks, Maureen Caudill, has worked on such advanced projects as DARPA. She discussed both anecdotal and empirical evidence to prove the existence (and power) of various phenomena, including psychokinesis, remote viewing, energy healing, telepathy, precognition, and reincarnation. Culling research from academic studies conducted over the last decade, she concluded that "our world is richer than just the physical reality around us," but mainstream scientists often try to dismiss evidence for the paranormal because it undermines their materialist viewpoint.

She described an interesting study done in China in which telekinesis was demonstrated by a teenage male who reportedly used his mind to move a folded up piece of paper out of a film canister to a location 20 ft. away. Caudill shared her own experiment trying to get a seed to sprout in her palm. During the process, she felt a mild electric shock, and the seed actually disappeared from her hand. Accessing or manipulating the chi or subtle energy field may be a factor in telekinesis, she suggested.

Paranormal and psychic phenomena seem to function on a different set of rules, operating out of time, and/or space, she commented. For instance, remote viewers could be tapping into scalar fields, a kind of all-at-once consciousness, in which information can be gleaned from any location in the universe instantly, she explained. Caudill also cited some fascinating cases of interspecies telepathy. A talking parrot named N'Kisi was said to wake her owner up from sleep, and then describe what she'd just been dreaming!

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