Sunday, August 11, 2013


 In the first half of Friday's show, George Noory welcomed John Greenewald of the Black Vault for a discussion on UFOs, disclosure and strange creatures. According to Greenewald, his website houses the largest private collection of declassified government documents in the world—some 700,000 pages obtained through FOIA requests. The most popular topic on the site is UFOs, he noted. There has been a massive government cover-up regarding UFO phenomena and it did not stop in 1969 as they would have citizens believe, Greenewald declared. In fact, top-secret documents on UFO sightings have been created within the last 10 years, he revealed, adding that in many instances they are completely blacked out from top to bottom for reasons of national security.

The government is capable of covering up things like this for decades, Greenwald continued, questioning why UFO phenomena is a threat to national security if it involves known military vehicles. If these are simply top-secret aircraft, then government documentation would not list them as UFOs, he posited. The reality is the military is seeing objects in the sky for which they have no explanation, he suggested. Regarding disclosure, Greenwald said he does not think the government will ever admit that UFOs may be extraterrestrial in nature, what they know about them and the role they've played actively covering up their existence. "You can't lie about something and not have it be something... you can prove beyond any shadow of doubt that the United States government is lying about it," he observed.

He also commented on a recent story about a mysterious sea creature discovered floating on the surface of the Persian Gulf by a group of sailors. Greenewald said he spoke with a crew member who photographed the strange-looking carcass and he, along with the captain of the vessel, admit they have never seen anything like it. They do not believe it is a dead whale as has been reported in the mainstream media, he reported, pointing out that a whale's body will eventually sink after death, not decay and rot on the surface like in this case.

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