Saturday, December 21, 2013

Illuminati & Music Industry:
On Saturday's show, media analyst and political activist Mark Dice (YouTube Channel) joined John B. Wells to discuss Illuminati influences in the music industry and how some of today's hottest stars use esoteric symbols and song lyrics to push the secret society's agenda. According to Dice, the Illuminati are an extension of the ancient mystery schools and form a modern elite ruling class bent on dominating every aspect of society. Adam Weishaupt founded the group in Bavaria in 1776 and established the idea of controlling the media as a way to influence society, he explained. Illuminati idols have infested pop music with messages promoting pure evil, materialism, sexual debauchery, drug use and other destructive behaviors, he continued, noting how it has poisoned the collective mind of the masses and damaged society's moral compass.
Dice called Miley Cyrus a demonic dirt bag who teaches kids to do stripper moves, pop ecstasy and snort cocaine. He pointed to a video by Christina Aguilera that shows the singer holding a bisexual orgy in a church and then firebombing the desecrated site with a Molotov cocktail. Jay-Z promotes a philosophy of Satanism in his music and is a fan of infamous Satanist Aleister Crowley, Dice said, adding that the famous rapper has a gold-covered human skull worth $34,000. Crowley's philosophy of 'do what thou wilt' can be found in popular songs such as "The Motto" by Drake, which features the phrase YOLO (you only live once), and Kanye West's "I Am A God," he revealed. Ke$ha has posted Pentagrams on her Facebook page and even collected fans' baby teeth from which she fashioned a bra and headdress, Dice reported, noting that the singer-songwriter claims to have had sex with a demon.
Dice also commented on a story of a fifth grader who claimed to be a member of the Illuminati and threatened to sacrifice classmates to Satan before attempting to stab a fellow student, as well as one about a 27-year-old rapper who allegedly tried to sacrifice his friend in order to join the Illuminati.

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